A thought : Intelligent machines (? or !)

Are we intelligent than computers? Nope, but of cause we are collectively more intelligent

Man has been dreaming of AI's that are capable of thinking human alike. Yet it has been never a truth at the level of imagination itself. Of course we have AI's that are capable of doing human like activities such as vision, gestures and many more. But yet we they are in a a stage of prematurity where the practice not integrated but dispersed.

Google; Image search
Siri, Cortana; Voice recognition

But the point it imagination. What all that has been made by humans even AI's itself are emergent of human imagination. So here we are talking about something that is beyond imagination, which means no algorithm could even be guessed. Thus even we make one that is capable of thinking it might think at least a little less wiser than our human collective intelligence.

So intelligent machines lies a question and an exclamation as well! Yours to think, comment and share you wisdom :)


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