The motivation for me to write this post comes from the movie "Table No 21". First of all let this post not be a spoiler to the movie. So you may still watch the movie with it's full glamour even after reading this post.
Here are some facts that I took from the movie itself. These were displayed within the last few minutes of the movie along with the gratitude.
And there's lot more.
Without going ahead with the movie let me move on. To start with, let's see what is ragging and how it is done. Ragging is the procedure where senior students (in most cases) force the freshers or juniors on some kind of an act. These activities depend on the nature of the institution and so on. In some worst scenarios these could even go up to sexual harassment. But most common scenarios takes place by forcefully engaging another student in an activity such as a role play, vulgar speeches, mockery and etc. These might sound silly yet the impact on mentality is significant and may last the shock many years to come. This is because these acts affect one's personality once they get involved. Imagine a student acting some fooling role in front of many others while a set of poor minded set of another students enjoy seeing it.
The affected student looses his confidence to face the society and looses his/her ego to face society. This impose a backward nature on the affected students. Sometimes after going through these hard times people tend to loose interest in studies and the institution itself. This has a huge impact on education, especially in countries like Sri Lanka where education is offered for free. In an era where education has become a right, it's fair that we talk ragging as a crime. This is because ragging may but not always can eliminate one's right for education, and sometimes even right to live.
In the case of Sri Lanka, which is considered to be a developing country ragging mostly taken place at institutions where academic work load is accepted to be low. It is clearly seen by not having ragging environments in medical colleges and engineering campuses.
In most of those where ragging takes place and initial fear is fed to freshers by means of vulgar and rude language. This has been never lighter on female party. Thus they are scared in front of their seniors and tend to do whatever they may ask to do. In Sri Lanka we hardly hear any sexual harassment yet they happen in other countries.
I was lucky enough to be in University of Moratuwa where we didn't see a single situation of ragging, especially within the Engineering Faculty. Even the most minute case has been taken place among students who can be thought of those who had hard times during their childhood and with family. This itself explains a lot. This might be because an underprivileged student might see others in a different mindset which needs immediate change.
To conclude it is clear that no one has any right to raise a word on someone else for any reason. No one has any right to force someone to do something. Thus ragging indeed is a crime and shall be punished.
Your cousin referred this blog to me just now. Surely ragging cannot be justified by any means. It's against the human rights; against the new concepts of personality developmen; and against the law even. No bloody fool has a right to make another suffer in any way. In a country where all sort of bad things happen from the top to the bottom of the social hierarchy, these things seem to be taken lightly. Sri Lanka's uni system sucks... but still there are good smart students.
ReplyDeleteAsk me about it. No movie can ever include what my batch mates experienced in ragging. I have no clue about the current situation of Engineering Faculty of Peradeniya, but when it was 2002, ragging was everywhere in the University. If you want to get ridge of this, first of all you have to learn the philosophy and psychology behind this process. I still remember Parliament Member Sri Ranga (A Media Person too) mentioning in the parliament that he cannot understand why people do ragging. Many believes that it is very foolish and sentimental. Some believe that it is done just because the raggers have low self esteem and they are jealous about the new comers. (In English there are no "Ragger" or "Raggers" in the dictionary. Don't you see? They don't exist). Some say that it is done as a habit transferred from one batch to next. Wrong, Ragging has a very deep psychological basis and it's history goes many thousand years back. China could be the origin of this great invention for opening human mind in surrender for any garbage to go in when the time is right. In order to learn about ragging, you got to learn about the psychology of brain washing. You got to learn about the philosophy of cult control. Here's what google has to say about Brain Washing "pressurizing (someone) into adopting radically different beliefs by using systematic and often forcible means.
Who wants to pressurize someone into adopting radically different beliefs? Who are the radical people in Sri Lankan universities? What is common about Russian and Chinese brainwashing techniques and Sri Lankan Radicals? Who brought them to Sri Lanka?
If you want to learn the true philosophy behind ragging, I urge you to learn Brainwasing, Mind Control, and Cult Control.
They took my name and gave me a card instead. I got it as Unanduwa, but many of my friends got it as a way of saying "I am not important". (Eg- Pittuwa, Ataya, Matiya, Pilatuwa, Marusiya, Nangi, Osama).